The Immersive Experience

We’ve been waiting for you. Welcome. We’re so glad you came. Please go fetch a pail of water. You got the water. Good. Thank you. You are now more experienced. Life is about experience. Keep experiencing.

We need your help. Thank you for helping us. Perhaps you are the one prophesized to save us in the unreadable books on my shelf. Yes, this is our house. It has no bathroom, kitchen or bedroom. This is the entirety of the house, and you are in it. Please don’t sit in the chairs. They are for decoration only. Everything in this house is decorative. Do you like the decorations?

You can help us. Only you have the strength, the intelligence, the stamina to save us. We have a local spider problem. Please take care of the spiders for us. Yes, we are stronger, but it is better if you take care of our local spider problem.

Thank you for helping us with the spiders. You are a good helper. You will become even more experienced. Here is a cloak as a token of our gratitude for helping us with the spider problem. We will still be here when you come back. We go to sleep when you leave. We wake up right before you arrive. We will be standing here waiting for you.

Thank you for coming back. The more you come back, the more experienced you will become. We have goods we can give you, except you are not experienced enough for these goods. You are not good enough for them.

Please go to the next town. There are more of us. They are just like us. If you fail to pay attention, you might think they are us. Please pay attention. Please go to the next town. You need them. You need us. And we all need you. Perhaps you are the one prophesized. Do. Go. We will be here when you come back.

You have died, and we are sorry for encouraging it. We can bring you back. We can breathe life into your lungs. You have experienced death, but we are sorry to say you have less experience. Not everything you experience makes you more experienced.

Please go to the next town. A new adventurer has arrived. Perhaps he is the one who has been prophesized. The new adventurer needs our attention. He has no cloak, and we have run out of water without taking a single drink. He can help us with our local spider problem. Go. We will be here when you come back.