Twelve Classic Poems Rewritten by Twelve Classic Video Games

“Two rows diverged in a black and blue grid,
And sorry I could not travel both
And being chased, not long I stood
And chomped down dots as far as I could
To where a cherry waited in the corner
And then I gulped a lot of ghosts”


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“Had I the heavens’ master sword,
Embossed with golden and silver light
The boomerang and the bomb and the hero’s cloths
Of Hyrulean lore and green and the half green
I would hold up the Triforce above my head:
But I, being new, have only this lantern
And this rupee I found in a bush
Tread softly because I only have three hearts“


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“Water, water, everywhere
And the Big Daddy did clink
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any tonic to drink”


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“i carry your ink ribbon with me(i carry it in
my case)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever the t-virus does
is all your doing, Umbrella)”


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“The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have miners yet to creep
And tiles to go before they weep
And tiles to go before they weep”


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“I wander’d lonely as a cloud
And then dropped spiny eggs on everybody below”


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“How do I beat thee? Let me count the ways:


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“To fatality or not to fatality: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _”


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“This is the way the level ends
This is the way the level ends
This is the way the level ends
Not with a p-wing but your princess in another castle”


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“We have lingered on the roof with rolling barrels
By a hostage dressed in pink and crowned
Till little plumbers wake us, and we pound”


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“Go gentle into that empty gap
Pieces should twist and turn at the top of the screen
Rotate, rotate against the dying of the lines!”


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“I have released
the red shell
which I was saving
this whole race


and which
you will never


Forgive me
you were winning
and I was not”