Two Poems

somewhere along the wild growth of seattle

I play the protagonist, we travel
along roads ridden with abandoned cars,
girlfriend by our side
fairytale posing as apocalypse
what would a queer story be
without fungus-wearing flesh eaters,
bashing in the heads of civilians

we watch as the world
caves in on us
and our girlfriend, a kiss no time
to linger, a quest
for vengeance becomes a search
party becomes a quest for vengeance
the pristine pixel landscape
of surreal nature green
well-acquainted with disorder
buildings of contaminated vegetation
littered all over

tightly I hold our girlfriend’s
hand, grasping for a hunting pistol
to kill the infected
their snarls growing louder
the circle of them edging closer,
tightening around us, their chaos
no threat to our spark, undead, ungrey

the main ensemble is predominantly white

in addition to flesh eaters,
the protagonist and I
must fight against two opposing
human factions full of crew members,
hundreds, maybe thousands
of characters of color
used as bloody backdrop
                  or plot propeller

I murder so many crew members,
non-playable, often Black,
their bodies disposable
forgotten, faded
into the hyper vibrant high grass
no time to mourn,
new enemies generate
as quick as I get rid of them
with its owner’s blood on my hands,
I pick up a machete
                  and swing