Congratulations to Georgia Bellas!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Georgia Bellas’ poem, “How Not to Win At Big Buck Hunter,” has been selected for the Best of the Net 2014 anthology, published by Sundress Publications. We’re thrilled that Georgia’s poem will soon be showcased to a much larger audience—anyone who knows Georgia, in person or via Twitter, knows that she is incredibly deserving.

Many thanks to Kathy Fagan for selecting the piece, to Nick McRae for coordinating the selection process, and to the rest of the team at Sundress Publications.

On a selfish note, we’re incredibly excited to bring out brand of video game-inspired literature to a wider audience. We hope it continues and strengthens the conversation we’re trying to start here. And to have a piece selected within our first year of publication—well, that’s a testament to all our incredibly talented contributors.

Give Georgia your congratulations on Twitter: @MrBearStumpy!