Winners of the the Push [START] to Begin Chapbook Contest

First off, we would like to thank everyone who sent in work to our Push [START] to Begin Chapbook Contest—we were enormously happy with the breadth of work received and the breadth of authors who sent it, and the overall quality. We’re thrilled to see such a variety of writers take on video games in their writing, in so many different forms.

Our winner:
K. Jane Childs, for Tender Glories

Our runners-up:
Jamison Crabtree, for please please get over here please
Lisa Ciccarello, for Everything Makes a Noise When it Reveals Itself

We would like to heartily congratulate K. Jane Childs for her winning chapbook, which we will publish chapbook in mid-2016.

We would also like to congratulate our two runners-up: Jamison Crabtree and Lisa Ciccarello. Both of their chapbooks will be published in late 2016, or early 2017. We hope to have a more complete schedule very soon.

And, some more information about our wonderful winners:

K. Jane Childs is an MFA candidate at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Her work has appeared in Revolution House, DREGINALD, Pentimento Journal, VECTOR, Swarm, Cartridge Lit, The Fourth River, and Dusie.

Jamison Crabtree is a Black Mountain Institute Ph.D. fellow at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, focusing on hybrid forms. His work has appeared in a variety of places, including DIAGRAM, The Colorado Review, Thrush, Juked, and recently anthologized in Best of the Net 2014. rel[am]ent, his first book, was awarded the Word Works’ Washington Prize and published in April of 2015.

Lisa Ciccarello is the author of At Night (Black Ocean), as well as several chapbooks, including I only thought of the farm (DoubleCross Press), “Chief!” (InkPress), and Worth is the Wrong Word (Black Cake Records). Her poems have appeared in Tin House, The Academy of American Poets, Denver Quarterly, the PEN Poetry Series, Handsome, Big Lucks, Corduroy Mtn., and The Volta, among others.