Retrogamer: The ‘Road House’ of Video Games
Michael B. Tager
- Earthbound is a role-playing game about the end of the world. Many video games are.
- Of course, the format (RPG) and goal are about where similarities end
- Earthbound feels like Dada-art, mocking and satirical and deeply weird
- Earthbound is set in a suburban dystopian apocalypse. Enemies are visible and loiter outside arcades, pizza joints, hospitals. Sometimes, when the player (playing as a red-capped boy named Ness) talks to a hippie, they talk to a hippie. Other times, they beat the hippie to death with yo-yos, a la The Baseball Furies.
- I’m not the only one who suspects that people on the street aren’t always who they appear to be
- Of course, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you
- (Most of the time, they’re not after you)
- In 1994 and 1995, I encountered advertisements for Earthbound in copies of X-Men, The Silver Surfer, Spider-Man.
- Some were just a picture of a baseball bat with the title of the game
- In copies of Nintendo Power there were scratch and sniffs that deliberately smelled terrible with the slogan, “This game stinks”
- The advertisements did not encourage my purchase
- In America, the advertisements didn’t work much at all
- I didn’t meet anyone who played Earthbound until the late aughts
- Also in 1994 and 1995:
- Green Day released “Dookie”
- For my first concert ever, I saw Green Day late in ‘94
- Bill Clinton gave his first state of the union address
- “Schindler’s List” won Best Picture
- I still haven’t seen that film
- I have, however, been to Auschwitz
- The Rwandan Genocide began
- We were told about this in school
- At the time, I didn’t know where Rwanda was
- Kurt Cobain killed himself
- Even at 13, I was neither surprised nor upset at his suicide
- The man titled a song “I hate myself and want to die”
- Depression isn’t normally so overt
- Even at 13, I was neither surprised nor upset at his suicide
- Sarin gas attack in Tokyo subway system
- I began high school
- Green Day released “Dookie”
- In addition to the atrocious marketing plan, see bullets C-i through C-vii for reasons I missed Earthbound
- Incidentally, I tend to not read superhero comics anymore
- I do, however, contend that Ness and his companions would qualify as super heroes
- They have psychic powers, machine-building acumen, martial art skills and BAAAASHING prowess
- Maybe Power Pack?
- All metaphors break down eventually
- I do, however, contend that Ness and his companions would qualify as super heroes
- Often in RPGs, the player names the main character.
- I usually choose the default name
- When I don’t default (and am not playing as a woman), I often use Nuje Regat
- Nuje is Mike with home key typos
- Angel is the third choice
- My favorite X-man is Angel
- My freshman roommate used to mock my Angel fandom
- “Don’t make me do it. I’ll flap my wings. I’ll fly away.”
- My freshman roommate used to mock my Angel fandom
- My favorite X-man is Angel
- After naming Ness, the computer prompts naming Ness’ teammates:
- Paula
- Jeff
- Poo
- Poo?
- What’s that about, Nintendo?
- In the original Japanese, it’s Pu
- Dragonball Z characters are named after food, so maybe this isn’t that weird
- In the original Japanese, it’s Pu
- The game then asks for:
- Dog’s name
- Favorite food
- Favorite thing
- This oddly in-depth naming convention is a hint that Earthbound is a mind trip
- Speaking of names, Earthbound is the English name
- Its Japanese name translates as Mother 2
- I’ll come back to that
- The story begins with a meteor crash. Ness’s next door neighbor, Pokey, wakes him to ask for help rescuing his brother, Pickey. Ness helps and meets a talking bee-thing named Buzz Buzz. Buzz Buzz tells Ness about the arrival of Giygas, a supreme monster who will destroy the world. It’s an info dump of a meeting.
- The writers did not care about subtlety
- The primary English localizer, Marcus Lindblom was given “license to be as weird as I wanted to be and I certainly took advantage of that in a lot of places”
- After the intro, Ness goes off to save the world with his mother’s blessing
- What? No curfew?
- When I was 16, my implicit curfew was “be home before we wake up”
- Somehow, I failed in keeping that
- During the quest, Ness and company fight evil trash cans, evil puppies, evil hippies, piles of (evil) vomit
- At one point, Ness and company hallucinate an entire evil town, Moonside, a reverse, LED-colored version of Fourside
- That world is actually just a storage room
- The segment reads as an acid trip
- We’ll come back to acid trips
- The writers did not care about subtlety
- The battle to save the world takes place in everyday towns. They might be morphed, skewed towns, but they’re recognizably streets and homes. Cars drive past. People work.
- If I were to ever have a world-saving adventure, I’d want it to be like this
- Modern conveniences—plumbing, Thai food delivered, Uber—and still glory, adulation, validation
- I wouldn’t want to live in a fantasy, swords-and-sorcery world
- Nobody writes about all the dysentery before modern plumbing
- Sometimes I fantasize about the far future
- Among other luxuries, plumbing would be tremendous in the future
- At some point in my fantasies, I always remember that if I were to travel to the future, everyone I knew and loved would be so long dead, they wouldn’t even be memories
- I never feel so lonely as when I daydream about everyone I know being one with the earth
- Earthbound has future robots. Also cavemen
- Chrono Trigger had both populations as well, but the two groups were at least separated by 65,002,300 years
- Earthbound has robots and cavemen separated by a continent
- Locational logic isn’t a strong point
- Sometimes, when I’m getting ready to sleep and I start thinking about future-Mike and how everyone is dead, I want to cry
- “There are many difficult times ahead, but you must keep your sense of humor.”
- Good advice, hard action item
- A talking head NPC from the town of (literal) talking heads imparts that wisdom after Ness drinks a cup of vision tea
- Again with the psychedelics
- An RPG trope is status attacks: poison, sleep, berserk, etc.
- Sometimes in Earthbound, both enemies and friends start crying, and as a result, they refuse to attack.
- I was incredibly depressed for the past two years
- I even got married while depressed—that was a fun day, but I started reading Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home a few hours beforehand.
- Spoiler: Fun Home is not fun
- I found my mood plummeting
- I switched to X-Men instead
- It helped
- Spoiler: Fun Home is not fun
- I was in a very good mood by the end of the wedding
- But for that two year period, while I was in the throes of depression, nothing I said or did had any meaning
- If I had been battling enemies—even Mini Barf or its master Master Belch—I’m pretty sure I would have just cried, maybe rolled over on my back
- Earthbound “… is a game that isn’t afraid to make you feel lonely. Miserable.” (source)
- Leigh and I have been watching the third season of “You’re the Worst”
- The female lead’s storyline is all about her crushing depression
- I finished the third season of “Bojack Horseman” not long ago
- That entire show is about Bojack’s crushing depression
- Leigh doesn’t love when I watch depression shows
- She worries
- I love my wife
- I also love Earthbound, but Leigh thinks it looks stupid
- There’s no lesson in that
- I’m happy that romantic love isn’t relevant in Earthbound.
- Not all media needs a love story
- Ness’s parents seem to be divorced
- If they aren’t divorced, Dad sure isn’t present
- It seems an honest portrayal of many people’s lives
- The player calls Ness’s parents periodically—his dad saves the game’s progress
- Dad will sometimes call Ness
- There is an internal clock that keeps track of time spent playing in order to shame the player into taking a break
- Which is … nice, actually
- The player calls mom because Ness misses his mom
- Talking to mom improves Ness’s fighting
- We should all be so lucky
- Earthbound was called Mother 2 in Japan.
- It’s called Mother because of the end game
- The heroes are put into robotic bodies and “sent to the past where Gigyas is weakest” because Gigyas is too powerful to defeat in the present
- Gigyas looks like a sonogram and doesn’t “attack” as such
- The implication: Ness and company are inside Gigyas’ mother when they defeat (i.e. abort) him
- That’s dark
- It’s #2, because it’s the 2nd in a series
- The original was never released over here, for reasons
- I’ll buy Mother 3 if it ever comes out
- It’s called Mother because of the end game
- Buying the original SNES cartridge of Earthbound costs over $100.
- I used to buy old video games and systems on Craigslist and sell them on EBay
- Sometimes I’d find very expensive games mixed in with a bunch of crap
- Once I went to someone’s house to buy an XBox
- There was literally dog shit on the carpet and a cloud of cigarette smoke
- There were two women, mother and daughter, chain-smoking in tank tops
- When I asked to test the system, the daughter started playing Super Mario 3 on it
- “That’s weird,” I thought
- “Pretty sure XBoxes shouldn’t do that,” I thought
- When I got home, I realized it was hacked, and loaded with every SNES game
- I played Earthbound on my hacked Xbox that I still own
- I stopped buying and selling video games not long after that encounter
- I wrote a story about why I stopped
- It’s not terribly obtuse
- No need to read between the lines
- I make lines and lists to assert control.
- I’m chaotic by nature and have trained myself organized
- Earthbound is chaotic—take this sequence:
- Heroes arrive in the town, Summers
- While wandering, they discover the elite Stoic Club that they can’t enter
- To enter, they need to make a reservation, but the phone isn’t listed
- A random NPC gives the phone number
- Inside the club, they’re told about a woman who makes magic cakes (?)
- Eating a magic cake causes the scene and POV to switch to Poo, heretofore unseen and unmentioned
- Poo is a prince and a martial arts expert who undergoes training
- The training includes a vision sequence of a giant floating head who breaks his arms and legs, gouges out his eyes and lobotomizes him
- But not really
- After training, Poo teleports himself to Ness and says, “My name is Poo. I am the one who will fight beside you.”
- And then, of course, the option to feed a museum director a cookie becomes available
- This seems bizarrely nonsensical
- Of course, I can trace the entire course of my life to 10th grade Geometry
- Terrible teacher = no understanding
- Scored a 1290 on SATs
- With a 1300, would have gotten a 10K scholarship to different school
- At school I went to, met a friend on the first night
- That friend invited me to alternative spring break senior year
- There, I met Americorps members
- During my second Americorps year, did event organizing as a small part of my job
- Got a job doing events at a university in Baltimore
- To get a promotion, needed to go back to school
- During second undergrad, took a creative writing course
- Look at me now
- Life is weird
- Maybe the unreality of Earthbound’s logic is the most real thing in it
- No wonder I lose track of what’s going on, the world is full of chaos
- Earthbound is chaotic—take this sequence:
- I have control issues that manifest in odd ways
- My friend Ashley once said that, “You know everything about me, and I only know what your favorite books are.”
- I’m chaotic by nature and have trained myself organized
- I met with a Barrelhouse editor a month ago.
- She read some unpublished fiction and said, “It’s good, but you need to lose control and dirty it up.”
- My Cartridge Lit editor asked me to loosen up, more like my list essay for Fallout.
- My editors were not the 2nd or even the 3rd person to tell me to loosen up.
- My therapist also wants me to loosen up
- I’m surprised therapists aren’t enemies in Earthbound
- My therapist also wants me to loosen up
- I take LSD or magic mushrooms 1x yearly. I tell people it’s to clear my mind, and that’s not untrue, but (not so) secretly, I take it to lose control.
- Much like an evil hippie might, I tripped with some friends in the woods of Baltimore this year
- We were down by the Jones Falls, exchanging drugs stories (drug stories are the best part of doing drugs) when children approached us
- We must have seemed harmless because we were laughing
- Also, one presents as female
- The boys were maybe 10. Three of them: white and black. They asked me if I’d seen any snakes.
- “Are you looking for a snake?” I immediately saw snakes everywhere.
“Not a particular snake. Do you know anything about snakes?”
“I avoid snakes.”
“We like snakes. We’re doing a school project.”
“Right. Sorry, kid. I can’t help you.” - We got the hell out of there, because no good was going to come
- There are definitely snake-enemies in Earthbound
- As with many opponents, they’re cute and when they’re beaten, they “become tame”
- Why do we need euphemisms for death?
- “Are you looking for a snake?” I immediately saw snakes everywhere.
- Earthbound feels uncontrolled. Early on, in the suburban town conquered by zombies, Ness and Paula are captured. Paula then uses her ill-defined psychic powers to call across a (small) ocean to “Jeff, our friend who we’ve never met. Come rescue us.”
- Maybe it’s the localization, but that doesn’t scan
- When Jeff meets his father, an inventor: “Oh, Jeff. I haven’t seen you in ten years. Here’s a ship. Hope to see you in ten more years.”
- I talk to my parents weekly
- I can’t imagine going 10 years without seeing them
- It’s like the game designers and writers took a bunch of scripts of their interpretation of America and threw them at a pile of glue (similar to how zombies are captured in Threed by zombie-paper). Earthbound is the “Road House” of video games.
- Anyone who hasn’t seen “Road House” needs to
- It’s three terrible movies combined into one shitshow.
- Plots go nowhere, there a barn and a mansion and a hospital and a bar and that’s the entirety of the town.
- People say “pain don’t hurt” and “I used to fuck guys like you in prison,” lines delivered with straight faces.
- Pain don’t hurt—that’s what I tell myself
- Depression doesn’t exist in “Road House”
- Patrick Swayze is the king of bad 80s movies
- He’s in rare form in “Road House”
- Other, smarter people have written about “Road House” but they’ve never said:
- “Road House” is the Earthbound of cinema
- Anyone who hasn’t seen “Road House” needs to
- Ness is a playable character in the Smash Brothers series.
- Smash Brothers debuted in 1999
- I did not know who Ness was back then
- I was a college sophomore
- I mostly played as Pikachu, though I don’t care for Pokemon
- I enjoyed frying the little boy in the red cap, though
- I did not know who Ness was back then
- Smash Brothers is a pretty weird concept too, so Ness fits
- Let’s take all these video game characters, turn them into toys and have them fight
- It’s all a meta game, and the final boss is the hand (of God) playing with toys
- Smash Brothers debuted in 1999
- I wish there were more games like Earthbound to play.
- Even visually, it’s arresting
- The art is primitive, but bright and novel
- Early on, an NPC remarks how people are the “strangely painted ones”
- Even in ’94, they knew the art was crude, a deliberate throwback
- Because it’s crude and deliberately retro, the art hasn’t aged badly
- In fact, the art is surprising and thus, somewhat exciting
- Adulthood is diminishing returns on excitement
- Earthbound excited me because I genuinely didn’t know what to expect
- I finished Earthbound in a week.
- Earthbound, for a game with a hint-seller in every town, does not hold hands
- The hint-seller looks like Lucy in Peanuts
- Gigyas kept defeating me until I accidentally told Paula to “pray”
- I’m told that praying is helpful IRL
- I personally don’t want or need anyone’s thoughts or prayers, but the sentiment is nice
- The pray command gets random results and sometimes hurts the player
- Of course that’s what’s needed to beat the boss, much like the Mega Man series, where the worst weapon hits the final boss’s weakness
- Mega Man is kind of a cannibalistic robot, stealing the power, abilities and even costumes of those he defeats
- Mega Man as Wendigo—that’s an idea
- Although Mega Man debuted in 1987, no one played it
- Mega Man 2 was the big hit, like Earthbound/Mother 2
- Mega Man is kind of a cannibalistic robot, stealing the power, abilities and even costumes of those he defeats
- Of course that’s what’s needed to beat the boss, much like the Mega Man series, where the worst weapon hits the final boss’s weakness
- Earthbound, for a game with a hint-seller in every town, does not hold hands
- Finishing Earthbound, I felt accomplished.
- It’s a hard, long game
- It’s so objectively weird, I questioned my own expectations
- It’s Dada video game making
- If anything helps loosen up, it’s swimming in chaos.
- I felt long-constricted brain muscles unwind while playing Earthbound
- After all, if this is what can be created by drawing outside of the lines…
- I’m not cured of my control issues, but it’s a feeling to chase
- I feel the world open whenever particularly rule-breaking art crosses my path.
- Like Earthbound
- Like “Road House”
- Like Dada
- There’s certainly a lesson in that.