Retrogamer: Old Romance and Comfort Foods
Michael B. Tager
Why do we return to these games we’ve utterly mastered? To answer that question, I asked seven other writers what their “comfort food” was.
Why do we return to these games we’ve utterly mastered? To answer that question, I asked seven other writers what their “comfort food” was.
I never cared much about baseball. I enjoyed going to Orioles games, and I liked pretending to care who won. I liked being part of the crowd, the roar and groans. I liked cursing at opposing pitchers and seeing the sun set over the stadium, casting mile-long shadows.
Is my fanfiction good? Of course not. Does it matter that it’s terrible? Also: of course not.
Phantasy Star 0 played like I imagined a heroin overdose would feel: slow, stultifying, mind-numbing, a product of poor decisions.
“This city was once a happy peaceful place,” the opening text scrawl tells us. “Until one day a powerful secret criminal organization took over. This vicious syndicate soon had control of the government, and even the police force. The city has become a center of violence and crime where no one is safe. Amid this […]
We think video games are literature, and so why shouldn't there be literature about video games? That's the question we're hoping to answer here. Read more.