Retrogamer: I, Fanboy
Michael B. Tager
Is my fanfiction good? Of course not. Does it matter that it’s terrible? Also: of course not.
Is my fanfiction good? Of course not. Does it matter that it’s terrible? Also: of course not.
Phantasy Star 0 played like I imagined a heroin overdose would feel: slow, stultifying, mind-numbing, a product of poor decisions.
War knows your question already. No need to say it aloud. But keep it in your head, just the same. You’ll need it when the music starts.
I calle your bODYE the wayepoiinte I clall it the FINAL BOSSE
but the finale bosse is my bodye I knoae the goale is still finallye SINGKING
After failing to write one word for four months, I decided I had to make the dissertation a game. I had to treat myself like a child—develop a system of rewards. The method came to me in a flash: eight proposed chapters, eight Aeons in FFX. The idea of a pilgrimage. My old, dusty idol.
We think video games are literature, and so why shouldn't there be literature about video games? That's the question we're hoping to answer here. Read more.